Darthfurby Caucasian Female


This skin is a combination Makehuman's "young caucasian female suit" face texture pasted on the "young caucasian female2" body texture, with red lipstick added. Installation instructions: Create a new folder called "darthfurby_caucasian_female" in the Makehuman skins directory located at 1.1.x/data/skins and copy all files to the new folder (.mhmat, .thumb and diffuse .png texture). Download the face morph/model here: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/model/darthfurby_pretty_female_01.html Enjoy!


CC0 - Creative Commons Zero



MHMAT file: 

Optional thumb file: 

Optional diffuse texture: 

Optional illustration: 


Great !

It's exactly the skin and makeup I was looking for: the same makeup as in the special suit, without the garment that bothered me. Many thanks ! (and thank you also for indicating the download mode that sometimes seems mysterious to beginners!)