Proxies and topologies

These are user contributed proxies and topologies for MakeHuman. Note that they are not created, nor endorsed, by the MakeHuman crew. You use them at your own risk. If you wish more information on proxies (including on how to create them), take a look in the wiki.

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Click here if you want to upload a new proxy.

Title Category Faces Author Updated datesort ascending
Noses Partial body 41420 culturalibre 2025-01-19
Snek General/Unsorted 10344 joachip 2024-09-15
SR Anime Topo 01 Specific morph 13468 spamrakuen 2023-05-10
Female generic with simplified genitals (fixed) General/Unsorted 13914 spamrakuen 2023-05-05
Erect Penis [Only Works With Males] General/Unsorted 14454 Slayer227 2022-01-06
Big Foot General/Unsorted 5120 culturalibre 2021-12-12
Blind hand General/Unsorted 13895 culturalibre 2021-12-06
Torso Partial body 2242 duarteemerich 2020-09-12
severed head Partial body 4115 duarteemerich 2020-09-12
Neck, deatached from body Partial body 4388 duarteemerich 2020-09-12
Fully bodyless head Partial body 4155 duarteemerich 2020-09-12
headless Partial body 9262 duarteemerich 2020-09-12
headless 3 Partial body 9262 duarteemerich 2020-09-12
headless 2 Partial body 9262 duarteemerich 2020-09-12
Low poly with mouth interior Low-poly proxy 1572 myxibrium 2020-05-30
culeverita General/Unsorted 45006 CALAMIDADES 2020-04-20
adult female 2020 High-poly topology 13642 bogdan666 2019-11-18
head_only Partial body 3620 smonbrogg 2019-11-12
PunkElvs Female Proxy1 Specific morph 15752 Elvaerwyn 2019-05-04
PunkElvs Male Proxy1 Specific morph 16236 Elvaerwyn 2019-05-04
Uni1228, unisex game model Low-poly proxy 1220 Cortu 2019-03-24
Female less muscular with simplified genitals General/Unsorted 13548 wolgade 2019-02-18
Female generic with simplified genitals General/Unsorted 13914 wolgade 2019-02-18
Female muscular with simplified genitals General/Unsorted 13548 wolgade 2019-02-18
Adult Female Genitalia (new) HEALED General/Unsorted 13642 geyser 2018-07-26
ProxyDogui General/Unsorted 1 dogui21 2018-06-19
proxy with helpers test General/Unsorted 13968 jujube 2018-04-23
Simple penis Specific morph 13706 porky11 2018-02-24
AVA Ex Machina Proxy Partial body 9499 punkduck 2018-02-06
Adult Female Genitalia (old) HEALED General/Unsorted 14956 geyser 2017-10-10
Adult female genitalia remapped Partial body 33148 MTKnife 2017-08-19
alpha 7 ear topology General/Unsorted 77055 jujube 2017-05-28
harvey_proxy1 General/Unsorted 0 callharvey3d 2017-04-28
Adult Male Genitalia General/Unsorted 0 XSuprem3X 2017-03-26
Adult Female Genitalia General/Unsorted 13642 wolgade 2017-03-10
Adult Male Genitalia General/Unsorted 13772 wolgade 2017-03-10
Adult Female Genitalia (old) General/Unsorted 14956 wolgade 2017-03-10
Very low poly Low-poly proxy 408 Joel Palmius 2015-08-06