
These are user contributed materials for MakeHuman. Note that they are not created, nor endorsed, by the MakeHuman crew.

In order to use a secondary material for an asset, you need to create a subdirectory in the folder where the asset is located. For example, say you downloaded "crudelabglasses" and managed to install it correctly. Now you want to download the "transparent lab glasses" secondary material. You should then create a new directory "materials" and place the extra material files so they end up like this:


In order to comment contributions or upload new items you need to be logged in. You can log in using your forum username and password. If you do not have a forum account, go here and click "register".

Click here if you want to upload a new material.

You can filter the list to only include materials that belong to a core asset. Due to the dynamic nature of third-part assets, it is not possible to make a filter based on relationship to a third-part asset.

Title Belongs to 3rd-part asset Belongs to core asset Authorsort descending Last changed
Flapper Dress 1 Red Flapper Dress 1 Aethelraed_Unraed 2017-01-22
Cloche hat Red Cloche hat Aethelraed_Unraed 2017-01-22
Flapper Dress 1 Yellow Flapper Dress 1 Aethelraed_Unraed 2017-01-21
Cloche hat Yellow Cloche hat Aethelraed_Unraed 2017-01-22
Lily_Tail_Material Fluffy Tail as Clothes1 bigspider95 2019-12-10
Dog_Eye eyes/high-poly bigspider95 2019-12-10
Diffuse Amber Eyes eyes/high-poly bobby_03 2020-03-09
Diffuse Sea Breeze Eyes eyes/high-poly bobby_03 2020-03-09
Diffuse Grey Eyes eyes/high-poly bobby_03 2020-03-09
Diffuse Hazel Eyes Angelina Jolie eyes/high-poly bobby_03 2020-03-01
Diffuse Blue Eyes eyes/high-poly bobby_03 2020-03-09
Daz Dragon Eyes eyes/high-poly bobby_03 2020-04-05
Short hair 02 material 04 hair/short02 bogdan666 2019-08-07
Short hair 02 material 03 hair/short02 bogdan666 2019-08-06
Short hair 02 material 02 hair/short02 bogdan666 2019-08-06
Harvey_Dr.StrangeCapeV1 Harvey_LucifersCapeV1 callharvey3d 2016-04-14
Harvey_eye2 callharvey3d 2016-12-07
Harvey_PantsBootsV1 Dark Harvey_PantsBootsV1 callharvey3d 2016-04-07
missingteeth callharvey3d 2017-03-17
Harvey_eye1 callharvey3d 2016-12-07
hulk shorts M Swimming trunks 01 callharvey3d 2016-10-26
gold teeth callharvey3d 2017-03-17
blond ponytail callharvey3d 2016-10-20
Harvey_Dr.StrangeShirtV1 Harvey_LucifersShirtV2 callharvey3d 2016-04-14
Harvey_PSkirt01 alternate material Harvey_PSkirt01 callharvey3d 2016-10-19
Heroine collar suit 1 white Heroine collar suit 1 culturalibre 2020-02-09
Hero suit 1 captain america Hero suit 1 culturalibre 2020-02-08
Flash belt Hero belt 2 culturalibre 2023-04-09
Tigra claws red Tigra claws culturalibre 2023-01-19
Hair 3 blonde Hair 03 culturalibre 2020-04-03
Hero-heroine bracelets 1 black Hero-heroine bracers 1 culturalibre 2020-02-28
Thunderstrike Heroine logo culturalibre 2023-05-04
Heroine boots 1 green Heroine boots 1 culturalibre 2020-01-26
Hero cape 5 blue Hero cape 5 culturalibre 2023-04-12
Heroine suit 3 blue Heroine suit 3 culturalibre 2020-04-10
Crazy glasses Doc ock glasses culturalibre 2020-03-29
Hero 3 Hero suit 1 culturalibre 2020-02-18
Hero gem orange Hero gem culturalibre 2020-01-18
Heroine mask 2 purple Heroine mask 2 culturalibre 2023-04-20
Hero heroine hood 2 b&w Hero-heroine hood 2 culturalibre 2023-02-05
Hero-heroine hood 2 deadpool Hero-heroine hood 2 culturalibre 2020-04-06
Heroine boots 2 red Heroine boots 2 culturalibre 2023-05-02
Hero suit 1 black Hero suit 1 culturalibre 2020-01-14
Short02_green hair/short02 culturalibre 2022-06-16
Hero-heroine gloves 3 purple Hero-heroine gloves 3 culturalibre 2021-03-09
Hero mask 1 red Hero mask 1 culturalibre 2020-01-14
Super baby mask blue Super baby mask 1 culturalibre 2023-02-26
Hero-heroine gloves 5 blue Hero-heroine gloves 5 culturalibre 2020-04-01
Hero belt 2 superman Hero belt 2 culturalibre 2020-02-18
Hero white eyes eyes/high-poly culturalibre 2023-02-04
