No Module named 'py.operators' error

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No Module named 'py.operators' error

Postby glydergrid7.0 » Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:23 pm

Hello, I am really new to blender, modelling and game development. The error I am seeing has something to do with python and it happens when I try to enable makeclothes in Blender.
Can someone please tell me what this means and how to rectify the error so I can use the plugin.
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Re: No Module named 'py.operators' error

Postby loki1950 » Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:55 am

Welcome glydergrid7.0 first observation it's not makeclothes that you tried to activate but our makehuman-blender bridge that said for that plug in to work a socket connection between makehuman and blender so the makehuman side of the plug in must be active at the same time and the server on the makehuman side must be able to make that connection to blender and please check the read me file to make sure that what you downloaded will work with blender 3.0 there have been major API changes with the move to the 3.0 series that we may not have caught yet.

Enjoy the Choice :)
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Re: No Module named 'py.operators' error

Postby joepal » Mon Apr 11, 2022 4:24 pm

The error is very odd. I have MakeClothes running in Blender 3.0, so it should not be a problem to enable it. Further, googling for the error message gives no hint to what's wrong. The crash itself is in blender, not in MakeClothes, and there is no reference to what in MakeClothes that was the initial cause.

Exactly which version did you download? The 1.2.0 release binary?

You could try to download a later makeclothes separately from and see if it works better.
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