How to omit mouth cavity?

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How to omit mouth cavity?

Postby gwideman » Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:58 am

I am hoping there's a setting in MakeHuman that omits the mouth cavity -- that is to say, with the mouth closed, just makes the head a solid.

I am trying to export a MakeHuman model to STL, insert into a Fusion 360 scene, and then 3D print it. The human figure is about 70mm tall, and at that size the slicer thinks that the front wall of the mouth is so thin that it won't print it, leaving a hole in the front of the head. This would be solved if the mouth cavity "balloon" was simply omitted.

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Re: How to omit mouth cavity?

Postby joepal » Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:20 pm

I think you're out of luck with the current set of proxies. They all have a mouth cavity, as many expressions would look very strange otherwise.

In order to get a proxy without a mouth cavity, you'd have to pick a suitable existing (preferrably low-poly) proxy, edit it (in blender) to remove the mouth cavity, pipe it through MakeClothes (in blender) to save it as a new proxy and then use that in MH.
Joel Palmius (LinkedIn)
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Re: How to omit mouth cavity?

Postby gwideman » Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:39 pm

joepal wrote:I think you're out of luck with the current set of proxies. They all have a mouth cavity, as many expressions would look very strange otherwise.

In order to get a proxy without a mouth cavity, you'd have to pick a suitable existing (preferrably low-poly) proxy, edit it (in blender) to remove the mouth cavity, pipe it through MakeClothes (in blender) to save it as a new proxy and then use that in MH.

I appreciate your reply. That sounds like quite a learning curve (haha literally learning about curves and editing them) just to be able to 3D print a MakeHuman model. No doubt masterable in finite time, but for me, sadly not soon.
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Re: How to omit mouth cavity?

Postby tezzerii » Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:47 am

I came up with a much simpler way to get rid of the mouth cavity !
In Blender, add a sphere. ( I go Add - Mesh - UV sphere)
Move the sphere into the mouth cavity and size it (S) to cover the mouth cavity.
Position the sphere just behind the lips so you can see that it fills in the mouth.
It doesn't matter if the back of the cavity isn't covered. And you don't have to join, weld, group or anything.
I've used this exporting stl to Prusaslicer, and it works fine.
Hope this is useful to anyone coming here searching on that problem ! =o)
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