MPFB Question

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MPFB Question

Postby RTXCore » Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:47 pm

When i apply a skin to my human, it TANKS my performance. Anyone else ? Is there maybe something i could do in Shader editor that could improve performance ? Thank You
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Re: MPFB Question

Postby Ricardo2020 » Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:32 pm

In order for anyone within the MakeHuman Community to assist you, we need to know more about your rig, it's capabilities, the OS, and what exactly happens when applying a skin. It would be helpful to know if it is just a specific skin or if the problem occurs no matter which skin is applied. Many things can cause a computer to slow down. Below are a few of the causes.

1. Not enough system memory. These days, one needs a minimum of 8GB, with 16GB being the normal base amount. 32GB is the sweet spot. 64GB is overkill unless you run VMs.

2. Not enough video memory. With GPUs, at least 2GB is recommended, with 4 to 8GB being much better. An ideal ratio of system to GPU memory is 4 to 1.

3. Not enough clock cycles on the CPU. At the low end, 2.4GHz is fast enough, but 3 to 4GHz will yield smooth performance. And make sure the CPU is cooled properly, too.

4. A bloated OS. Windows is notorious for crap apps buried in the system, along with anti-social media welding and trial ware junk, along with temp files and caches getting full.

5. Driver issues. If the GPU or system bus is not properly configured and up to date, the machine will stumble and even crash.

6. Malware. This one is usually brought on by internet/in-app adverts or other crap running on shoddy sites/apps or misconfigured web-facing things.

7. Storage issues. When a drive gets full, it slows down. When a drive ages, it slows down. Cleaning up the drive goes a long way toward getting good performance.

8. Startup issues. Things loading as your OS boots up can cause the system to stumble and stutter. Make sure your machine boots up clean and lean.

9. Hardware specs. A machine needs parts that are certified to work together. OEMs try to cut cost and forfeit performance. Hobbyists fail to integrate things due to lack of planning and understanding. Parts must be selected which work together without bottlenecks. This means one must choose parts that are known to be compatible with each other. Research your build before you begin. Ask for help about things which are not clear. Have realistic expectations about the parts you select for your build or the box you buy prebuilt.

If all or any of the above topics do not apply, then a deep dive into the log files will tattle on the problem. In Linux, this is easy. You simply pull up the app log in a text editor and have a look. In Windows, you might find the app log, but more likely, you will need to look in the event viewer within the management console under the "Manage" right click option on "This Computer". I am not sure how one does this on a MAC...
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