Does anyone have some tips for making armor for a character

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Does anyone have some tips for making armor for a character

Postby kerligamp » Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:54 pm

I have a makehuman character I want to try out in a game I'm making and have been trying to make some armor for him, but having some problems. What I've been doing is, selecting, and separating out the different parts, arms, legs, torso, head and using a solidify modifier to give it some thickness. The first problem is, this is basically splitting the entire mesh and will have visible split marks, and the splits are less than perfect, given the makehuman model, I believe is sub divided by default, so they're very jagged looking. Also when I UV map them, the Uv's are terrible, no matter where I put seams, or using Smart UV project. I can get a decent shape for a chest plate but when I went into substance painter, and even in the shading tab in blender to try texturing it there, there are many different jagged, off colored patches that almost look like an etching of engraving, basically the UV's aren't turning out well using the Torso of the MH model as the base for it, and I'm looking for something to make it work.
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