Problems with MHX2 import in Blender

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Problems with MHX2 import in Blender

Postby mindhog » Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:54 pm

Hey, all. New to the forum, though I've been enormously impressed by makehuman for ages -- many thanks to the devs!

I'm trying to use MHX2 to import models into Blender. I've enabled the add-on, and also enabled "auto-run python scripts", but in File > Import I don't see an option to import MHX2 files.

I'm using the latest git head version of MHX2 and MakeHuman with Blender 2.79 (Debian doesn't yet provide Blender 2.80, so I don't think I can easily use MPFB).

Any suggestions?
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:39 pm

Re: Problems with MHX2 import in Blender

Postby joepal » Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:25 am

My suggestion would be downloading the latest blender directly from rather than use the deb-packaged one. Blender doesn't need to be installed, just unpack it in your home directory and run it from there.

Apart from missing out on the great stuff that has happened with blender in the four years since 2.79 was released, you are also likely to run into unnecessary problems by using the debian provided blender. It has known incompatibilities since it relies on debian's local python version rather than the exact python version blender otherwise bundles.

This said, you should be able to import via a button in the UI if the import menu doesn't appear. There should be a tab on the "T" shelf:

Joel Palmius (LinkedIn)
MakeHuman Infrastructure Manager
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Re: Problems with MHX2 import in Blender

Postby mindhog » Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:39 pm

Ah, didn't notice that new tab. That works. Thanks!

You're probably right -- I should just install the latest Blender, it's not as though I'm bound to the older version for any reason.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:39 pm

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