Hi, I'm trying to make my own poses, Two questions.
1. I exported a mhx2 file out of makehuman ( with default bones), Imported into blender and posed. Then exported as bvh file (export set to scale 1, frames 1 only, Euler native and root translation only is unchecked) and then placed in pose folder.
The pose appears in the menu and works but there's no thumbnail just the default icon, How do I add the thumbnail?
2. Also when I apply the pose, the model rises up. How do I stop that or drop it back to the ground plane?
I found the answer, Since I was using the 2.79b version of blender. I needed the fix file for the Blender BVH exporter translation offset bug (old Bug#758) Once I replaced the file (export_bvh.py) with the fixed one, it works fine.
Thank you.