3rd Party Hair Merging

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3rd Party Hair Merging

Postby maemoch » Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:49 am

Hello all i've installed the makeclothes & makehuman import feature. I created a character and was hoping to "merge" a 3rd party hair style object file that I downloaded from turbosquid. However I'm unable to get makeclothes to assign the hair to the character. Would there be another way to maybe join the hair to the rig (i've read about "parenting" but i'm still so new to the lingo I struggled to follow along with the tutorial) or should I try and find another way to get makeclothes to work?

Here is the error that i'm receiving.

"This object has faces with different numbers of vertices. Tris "or" quads are supported but not a mix of the tow. Mesh seems to be a quad mesh. But some faces are triangles. Change to edit mode and modify selected faces. This object has vertex groups which are missing on human,

These groups are:
Object has 1 vertices with more than 8 edges attached (poles).

I apologize if this is an extreme newbie question, I'm very new to 3d and have just recently started learning by watching/reading tutorials.
Thank you kindly all for the help
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Re: 3rd Party Hair Merging

Postby fake_Person » Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:00 pm

basicly the mesh cannot look like this
bandicam 2021-02-28 14-44-19-094.png

you see this square has one side with alot of vertices on it. Makhuman can not do that if it not a square :square = 4 verticies on one side.

bandicam 2021-02-28 14-44-38-661.png

and the tris to quads thing is basically
you can use triangles and squares for the mesh, but you cant let them be next to each other.
P.s sqaures are better for animation than triagles.

the Poles mean is you cant have one vertiex to have 8 other lines on ONE vertex
bandicam 2021-02-28 14-51-53-158.png

see look you cant have nothing like this .

bandicam 2021-02-28 14-53-02-241.png

so you can press ALT+J on a face to activate TRIS--> qauds.

and that's the only bad thing about trying to rip and import something that you didn't make yourself.
since they don't have a specific threshold on their moddel the don't need to have specific things to let there model work. but your item your work. I wish you luck on all the vertex moving and poles
14 year old deadbeat http://www.makehumancommunity.org/forum/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature#
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