Feature Request: Detailed Long Hair

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Feature Request: Detailed Long Hair

Postby Ricardo2020 » Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:32 pm

I love the MPFB/Blender combo for many reasons. The renders are much better. Targets are way more acurate in the modelling sliders. Scenes are a cinch to set up. Control is both precise and relatively easy. All settings can be stored as a blend file. And this brings me to my feature request.

The long_01 hair style is one of my favorites. It is just beautiful. I have made over twenty different colors for this hair. I have used it since MakeHuman v1.2.0 and it always looks great on a big beautiful woman of any age or race. But it has one glaring problem in Blender. That is, the mesh is what I would consider low res compaired to the rest of the model when rendered. See the example below, rendered using the EVEE engine.

EVEE Blender render of female_003, side profile

As you can see in the render above, there are gaps in the hair and one can see inside the object through these gaps. Also, the actual texture of the hair is rather flat, although the color and sheen are very realistic. It appears that the mesh of this object has fewer subdivisions than the model it belongs to. I would like to change this if I knew how, but I am already with a painful swelling brain just getting to this point.

Screenshot from 2024-08-13 18-14-37.png
BLender workspace showing the camera view

Above is a screen shot from Spanky, where you can see my typical workspace when Blender is running with a render about to commence. Even the viewport shows the gaps in the hair object, with the viewport set to show a reasonable preview of the actual render.

And so, my feature request is to get or make a high res mesh and detailed texture set complete with normal, bump and ambience files for this hair.

Does anyone here wanna take this on? I am eager to see the new asset and put it to good use. My women love their hair long...

Many thanks in advance.
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Re: Feature Request: Detailed Long Hair

Postby joepal » Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:30 am

You can only get so far with such a low poly object as long01. However, what I tend to do is:

Increase the number of subdivisions to 3 in the modifier panel. In MPFB there should already be a subdivision modifier, but defaulting to 1 subdivision.

Then modify the material so that it becomes slightly more transparent. This can be done by adding a math node between the texture and the principled node and subtracting 0.1 from the alpha value. If this sounds incomprehensible, I can make a screenshot when I get home, but I'm away from the computer for a few days now.
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Re: Feature Request: Detailed Long Hair

Postby Ricardo2020 » Thu Aug 15, 2024 12:23 pm

Many thanks, Joe. I shall look into this and carry out your instructions. Then we will see what happens.
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