tomcat wrote:I don't consider Godot to be a perfect engine. But what does it lack from your point of view?
Well, it is across the board.. a simple example is loading up a rather limited poly 3d scene in Godot, and watching it stutter. same scene running in Unity or Unreal at 250+ FPS.
It is more something that if it works for what you are doing, that is good. just basic tests i did, some time ago, showed me it was incapable of handling what i needed it to do.
It is a smaller eco-system too. with Unity, if i am feeling lazy, i can usually just go buy a solution to a problem, if one was not already presented freely.
Let me ask you.. have you found a way to Bake blendshapes in Godot? or Combine multiple Skeletal Meshes (or whatever Godot calls them., Skinned Meshes in Unity) at Runtime, for performance reasons? i mean, the list would go on and on. But again, if it works for what you are doing, that's a good thing. it just cannot do what i need it to do, technically, as of the last time i checked. But, even if it Could, i really am not prepared to adopt a new engine, and everything that comes with it, at this point.
that would most likely involve a separate Mesh/Model for every age
You Can easily make a pre-exisiting mesh for each year of age
tomcat wrote:There was such an idea. But it would need very many models to grow smoothly. The distribution of stages by age would not be quite equal — a person grows faster in childhood and you get more stages per year of life. But there would be an even bigger problem with clothes — need to match them for each stage.
my thought is that you would have yearly stages (full skeletal meshes), then a blendshape/morph target/ shapekey that morphs between one year to the next. that amount of geometrical change should not pull the mesh far enough from the Skeleton to cause significant distortion issues, and when it hits a 'year checkpoint' you would swap the Mesh. Again, the problem you are encountering has been handled mostly only by the larger companies so far. They seemed to use a combination of Skeletal Scaling, and highly distorted Morph Targets (complex deltas), that would look Nothing like you'd expect, if they were not bound to the Skeletal shape, at that moment.
here is how "The Sims" handled it, for the most part.
Innovation in the Sims 4 Character Creatorbut yes, what you are wanting to do usually requires a moderate team, at least.. perhaps rethink the scope of your ambition, or accept that there are not many shortcuts, and just starting plowing through!
Honestly, the best example of what you are talking about that i have seen, is MakeHuman itself. Perhaps you can analyze the code, and modify the techniques for Godot?