by Ricardo2020 » Tue Oct 15, 2024 4:29 am
You are spot on, Joe.
It really does boil down to where the canera is and how the light shines, since the literal meaning of the word "photography" is "drawing with light".
Looking at a model in the pre render state without shaders or lights from the lense viewpoint will show a very underwhelming look at the model. It is good for posing, sculpting, and such, but only when the model is actually rendered do we get to see it for what it really is.
Using Cycles in Blender, I can simulate any lens and light setup. I can go for the flatness and bokeh of a portrait lens or the stretched perspective aand sharpness of the wide lens. I can put the light anywhere and it can be soft or hard with virtual gels giving different color casts.
The MPFB2 procedural skin shaders let me get real skin. I can powder it or have it sweaty or oily. I can even have water drops too, be they tears, rain, sweat, shower, etc. Now if we could get that going for the hair. This is the one major weakness in today's renders. The hair is not real. It looks plastic.
I do like the MH hair styles which have been made so far that do not use the particle method. In MakeHuman, they mostly look OK enough. But they all fall short in MPFB/Blender where the level of detail is much greater. And so, I am studying the particle method. I have much to learn...
I have found that when the camera is placed just so, one can get a render that is convincingly real if the light is placed so that the hair is not featured in a way that exposes the lack of detail. I can also use lens composition to flatter a model so that any visible flaws are hidden from view or put into shadow.
I am almost ready to show off some of my blends in the gallery. I just need a wee tad more practice since my standards are high...
Paddle faster. I hear charango music!