Im having trouble getting a second layer of an outfit to STOP being hidden as the body of the figure mesh would be hidden behind/underneath the first layer... to better explain, i have armor (second layer) that sits over a bodysuit (first layer), but when i load the armor that sits on top of the bodysuit, most of it gets hidden (in the same areas as the figure gets hidden from the bodysuit). if i remove the bodysuit, the armor becomes visible... i hope that makes sense?!?
Greetings, This should be a quick and easy fix. Try to set the z depth lower on the body suit than the armor! You can do this in export or manually in the mhclo file in text editor. Hope this fixes this for you w/o a hitch nice work btw! Elv
yay =) thanks so much... i was going bonkers trying to figure out what i was doing wrong. i thought it was something wrong with the delete group settings. i just recently learned from punkduck that the cloth item and material files can be hacked, which is great.