Hello again. I have been off on other projects. my apologies for anything i missed that a may have been able to help with.
Looking at the pose, it seems that i somehow baked it in the incorrect position from the floor, and backwards. I did not notice this until today.
i am attempting to fix this now. Unfortunately, i barely recall how i did it in the first place, so i have to relearn a bit. this is more of an annoyance and time consumer than a fatal flaw. I means you have to position the entire character manually once in UE4. This is obviously a severe mistake on my part and i sincerely apologize for wasted time, and for the frustration i am sure anyone trying to use the pose encountered. From what i recall about what blender considers a bakeable change in armature, this may be beyond my ability to fix. But, since everything except the relative position of the entire character seems to be in the correct place, it is still useable. I am attempting a fix now. Also, if you notice anything wrong with the pose itself, please make note of it here. I know nothing of the code side. That is all Sandys work. I just tried to contribute with the pose variation which is the sole cause of the entire character position error.