Trouble with Retarget BVH

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Re: Trouble with Retarget BVH

Postby tomcat » Fri Mar 24, 2023 6:59 pm

PayItForward wrote:I meant something like that in Blender.

Z-Anatomy is based on Blender.
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Re: Trouble with Retarget BVH

Postby PayItForward » Fri Mar 24, 2023 7:59 pm

tomcat wrote:
PayItForward wrote:I meant something like that in Blender.

Z-Anatomy is based on Blender.

I think we misunderstand each other. :D I'm looking for something really basic and light-weight like the Biped in 3Dmax. 3Dmax had this already 20 years ago and it's not particularly anatomically correct. But for my needs it's well enough and sometimes I just need a simple collision object in physics. ... C6E0F5DEB1

The Z-anatomy atlas zip-file has already 100 MB. It maybe very correct but for me it's just too much. I don't even think my laptop could handle it. (Indie author & game developer)
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Re: Trouble with Retarget BVH

Postby tomcat » Sat Mar 25, 2023 3:13 am

PayItForward wrote:I think we misunderstand each other.

It is quite possible.

I'm looking for something really basic and light-weight like the Biped in 3Dmax.

Biped is accompanied by 3Dmax and… it's hard to call it light. :mrgreen:

But for my needs it's well enough and sometimes I just need a simple collision object in physics.

Do you need a program with physical collisions?

The Z-anatomy atlas zip-file has already 100 MB. It maybe very correct but for me it's just too much. 2023-Mar-24 06:34:57 335.7M

And that's without physics. People don't believe that a game engine can run at less than 50MB: 49.6 MB


I don't even think my laptop could handle it.

There's a catch with laptops. They are not well adapted to heavy work. It has been established empirically that the computer, on which the game is developed, must be a level above the target platform for the work to be comfortable. This is insurmountable. But it is possible to suffer.
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Re: Trouble with Retarget BVH

Postby tomcat » Thu Jan 30, 2025 1:48 am

I just want to let you know that with the new versions of Blender 4.3.2 and Diffeomorphic Retargeter 4.2.1 there are no problems. All animations of CMU’s Motion and Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset are assigned and displayed perfectly normal.
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