deathnote t-shirt


This T-Shirt featuring the japanese manga series 'death note' is made by o4saken. My only work are a few fixes, I added a delete group and I upload everything so it should work with MakeHuman directly. The shirt was originally build for a male character but also works for females. Maybe you also have to fix a few vertices in Blender when you combine it with pants. For females it should work with the tight jeans. Please mention o4saken as the real author. The litsphere is used to make the normal map visible. I added diffuse map and normal-map but not the spec-map (because it consists of a pattern which is not identical with the cloth itself). For the example picture it was sufficient to connect diffuse-map and glossy shader ... (Thanx a lot for this work, o4saken!)




CC-BY - Creative Commons Attribution





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